Friday, September 27, 2024




Language Tool (2024) Summarizing is the reflection of any body of text by a reader that captures the main points the author wishes to convey in a refined way and in the words of the reader.  

Summarizing is a way for students to express understanding of the content they read or was exposed to in a body of text. A student is not just shortening a large body of text into fewer words but is also making decisions as to what is categorized as essential information and is simultaneously stating their understanding of the information as they deliver it in their own words which is like asking them what happened in a story read by a teacher. Students can be taught how to summarize by providing a short article that is interesting to the students. They can be asked to read it together as a class. Questions about the article can be asked to identify the key features of the article starting with the main points. They should write their responses in their notebooks and should be encouraged to answer in complete sentences and in their own words. One keyway to teach this is to instruct them to write in the past tense. A teacher may take a sample sentence from the article and analyze it to determine how it may be shortened and have the students think of ways to do this. It is also important to inform them not to add their point of view about the article. The teacher should specify the word count which should range from 100 to 150 words in the summarized paragraph.



Language Tool (2024) Everything You Need to know about Writing a Summary How To Write a Summary: 5 Easy Steps (languaget

by: Prakash Seebarran


  1. Just as you've stated, summarizing texts isn't merely shortening information but understanding and organizing the main points. Selecting articles that students find intriguing is important to encourage engagement with the pieces. I agree with the fact that teachers should always provide opportunities to demonstrate summarization rather than tasking them with the responsibility of attempting it themselves.

  2. The process of summarizing is not just to shorten a paragraph but also putting it into a reader's own words which means it is their interpretation of the information. This is especially important in journalling.


Jaylene Peters

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

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