Friday, October 11, 2024

The Writing Workshop


Anything that a student writes, no matter how infantile, qualifies them the title of “writer”, especially when taking part in a writing workshop. A writing workshop is a nurturing environment that encourages the ongoing process of writing where the goal is not to produce perfect pieces, but to refine their skills over time as a community.  The subject the writer chooses is what they desire, and they develop their piece by relying on their experiences and their feelings. The process is supplemented by analyzing the structure of other writer’s work. Students can receive direct information about the writing process of another author as the teachers themselves present their own work and encourage their students to share their own pieces.  As a group they discuss stories and make their own inquiries. The young writers apply their newfound knowledge to their own work. Teachers do not correct any pieces of writing produced by the students but teaches mini lessons to fill in any gaps in them to encourage them to edit their own work. With the combination of personal experiences, passion, encouragement, editing, and guidance, young writers can produce remarkable and authentic pieces of writing with their own community of writers. 

By Prakash Seebarran The Kindergarten Reading & Writing Connection | The Secret Stories


  1. You have captured the essence of the writing workshop and viewing all writers as expert writers themselves whether they can produce an entire essay or only a few words. The picture you shared captures everything in its entirety, where others may notice all the errors viewing it as less than, that child see a master piece.

  2. The Writing workshop is a strategy that should be implemented into the classroom. A student's written piece is their own expression, and they should be the ones to perfect their work through editing. And editing is not just to correct mistakes but to make sure their town of voice is present and to add details that will make their pieces more interesting.


Jaylene Peters

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

  Podcast Full Video Link: