Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Motivation When Writing


Motivation when writing is writing done with much interest, inclination and energy.

Writers usually write their piece with a goal set, exercising such enthusiasm that the reader is motivated to keep reading because that text captures interest and therefore can picture exactly what the text is all about.

Motivation is an internal driving force that propels one’s willingness. When used in writing, it changes students’ behavior in writing by allowing them to develop academically and creatively. Students become expert writers and even aspire to publish their text.

Incorporating motivation when writing to students of grade 4 is very important in that students will develop a sense of interest in writing, improve their academic performance and to be independent. Using techniques such as collaborative learning enable students to share what they know with others and grow effectively and therefore master literacy skills.

 “The Importance of Motivation in ISM Code.” Captainslog, 15 Jan. 2021, captainslog.gr/the-                                    importance-of-motivation-in-ism-code/.


By: Eugenia Davis




  1. Motivation at the Grade Four level as well as all other levels is important. This may be done intrinsically (where one is motivated from within), extrinsically (where one is motivated by external rewards such as toys, books, candies, etc) or both.

  2. Indeed, motivation helps students affectively participate in writing activities. The lesson has to be of some interest to them and relevant to their daily lives as something they will actually encounter outside of the classroom. This applies to meaningful learning as they can actually draw from experience to use as material to write on and enjoy the writing process and instill interest in the topic to allow for easier and effective retention of a concept.


Jaylene Peters

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

  Podcast Full Video Link:  https://anuedu-my.sharepoint.com/personal/prakashseebarran_asc_edu_ag/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fp...