Sunday, November 3, 2024

Using Microsoft Word in the Classroom

Educators commonly integrate technology into their teaching through the use of videos and images. This method of displaying visual content related to specific topics serves as one of the simplest yet effective means of incorporating technology into lessons which most educational institutions require to meet the diversified learning styles in their classroom. There are numerous ways to utilize technology in the class as it advances as time progresses. One of these ways is the use of Microsoft Word Processing tool. This may mainly be used as a means to make student's handwriting legible. For instance, the case of a child who has muscle dystrophy where they get tired quickly or may require more time to write notes where the time is not available. It is not only applicable as a note taking application but also as a spelling, subject and verb agreement and capitalization helper.

The key advantage of this tool is that it allows students to detect faults and errors in their writing and offers a variety of solutions in which the error can be replaced. However, educators must know the extent to which this tool may be used. For instance, students should have the ability to self-correct or self-editing their pieces which boosts their confidence and enhances their overall critical thinking skills without the use of this application. Another major disadvantage is the limited or lack of resources for all leaners in the class.

By: Jaylene Peters


  1. Technology has become a valuable tool to supplement lessons and making the writing process easier. I do appreciate the mentioning of responsible use of technology as editing skills are crucial to any form of writing. Microsoft word has many creative properties such as the inclusion of videos, animations, and pictures to supplement written information. This can also be used as an assessment tool as students can create articles of topics of their interest complete with pictures to creatively express their understanding that they can post to the google classroom platform.

  2. I think students should use Microsoft Word to write their own articles based on a subject of their choice whether it is of a television show or their favorite game. It allows for pictures and videos to be added. their interest will help them to produce content of the article. I have witnessed some great pieces.


Jaylene Peters

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

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