Friday, September 27, 2024

Quick writing


Quick writing is a writing method that enables students to write within a set timeframe allowing learners to engage in writing for a designated period of 5 to 15 minutes. The students feel free and relaxed as the writing process prioritizes content over fixing grammar and vocabulary mistakes, reducing pressure. It's unlikely that they will encounter writer's block while allowing their thoughts to flow. This can be applied to a wide range of subjects covering most topics included in the curriculum (addition, place value, family, community, verbs, nouns, adjectives, resources, weather, water cycle).    

This approach can be utilized to begin a lesson on a subject, such as plants in Science, by having the teacher instruct the students to write 1-3 sentences about plants. This could be any knowledge or recollection a child has regarding plants, such as their definition, various types, distinctive features, or specific examples. At the second grade level, this might appear as:

A plant produces its own food. There are both flowering and non-flowering plants. In my yard, there are mango and soursop trees that my mom uses to make tea for me every morning.

The Quick Writing strategy also enables teachers to assess learners' prior knowledge. This technique can also be applied in a KWL chart, dividing the board into three sections: prior knowledge (what they know already), desired knowledge (what they want to know), and new learnings from the class. Another option for utilizing this approach is to straightforwardly communicate a key takeaway from the lesson, either through journaling or summarizing the main points either in their exercise books or on sticky notes. In simpler terms, these activities can serve as a means of evaluating learning rather than just assigning grades.

By Jaylene Peters




Language Tool (2024) Summarizing is the reflection of any body of text by a reader that captures the main points the author wishes to convey in a refined way and in the words of the reader.  

Summarizing is a way for students to express understanding of the content they read or was exposed to in a body of text. A student is not just shortening a large body of text into fewer words but is also making decisions as to what is categorized as essential information and is simultaneously stating their understanding of the information as they deliver it in their own words which is like asking them what happened in a story read by a teacher. Students can be taught how to summarize by providing a short article that is interesting to the students. They can be asked to read it together as a class. Questions about the article can be asked to identify the key features of the article starting with the main points. They should write their responses in their notebooks and should be encouraged to answer in complete sentences and in their own words. One keyway to teach this is to instruct them to write in the past tense. A teacher may take a sample sentence from the article and analyze it to determine how it may be shortened and have the students think of ways to do this. It is also important to inform them not to add their point of view about the article. The teacher should specify the word count which should range from 100 to 150 words in the summarized paragraph.



Language Tool (2024) Everything You Need to know about Writing a Summary How To Write a Summary: 5 Easy Steps (languaget

by: Prakash Seebarran

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Interactive Writing

Interactive writing is a teaching method in which children and teachers negotiate what they are going to write and then share the pen to accurately write a message (Swartz 2001). 

This is cooperation in which text is shared, composed, and written. The teacher uses the interactive writing sessions mainly to encourage reading and writing strategies This strategy is used in primary grades teaching Phonics, spelling principles, and writing conversations. 

In this method, the student and teachers write together by means of text, dialogue, journals on a message board. The teacher becomes a scribe for the student: writing down the responses to questions about their prior experiences to allow them to see their words in written text.  

 The teacher responds not by correcting spelling, grammar, or vocabulary but through modeling more appropriate forms of writing. In seeing the text in action, the student can build connection about how verbs, objects and subjects come together to form sentences as they come together  

The aim is to make students relax and be more comfortable in the writing process, as the teacher draws from past experiences which can be an opportunity to incorporate other subject areas like science and social studies which is useful, meaningful and enjoyable. 

Finally, I recommend other instructors use the interactive writing strategy since it enhances the corporation between teachers and students which encourages active participation in the classroom.  

By Eugenia Davis

Friday, September 20, 2024

Elaboration strategies

 Elaboration writing strategies refer to a process by which students are given the opportunity to extend a piece of writing in their possession. These pieces may include books, paragraphs, stories, letters or essays. It allows the writers to add more details and depth and for writing to become more engaging for the reader/s.

For instance, a male student may choose to write an argumentative essay on the Potential Benefits of Video Games on their cognitive function. To accurately elaborate or expand this essay here are six (6) details that the student may utilize:

Ø  Definitions: Defining the term video games: A video game is an interactive software that is used for entertainment, role-playing, and simulation (“Definition of Video Game”).

Ø  Benefits:

1.      When used in the classrooms, it makes learning more engaging.

2.      Video games allow for social interaction between peers enabling them to connect with friends or new people who may have similar interests.

3.      Gaming may foster an environment of relaxation and freedom. Allowing students to escape their present reality if its stressful encourages them to cope with certain situations.

4.      This may also build learners' confidence skills in the sense of mastering the technical advancements as it progresses.

Ø  Examples: Call of Duty, educational games (word wall for kindergarteners), Roblox, Minecraft, GTA, etc.

Ø  Counterargument:

a.       Though others may insist that too much screen time affects the brain negatively it is important to recognize benefits that include making lasting friendships or giving others a sense of belonging in simulations.

b.      Some may argue that games are addictive and too time-consuming while it is believed that gamers themselves or their guardians have the sole responsibility of limiting their screen time and involving time constraints if needed.

Ø  Statistical data: For the first time ever, a video game can be prescribed as medicine in the US used for treating symptoms of ADHD” (Oloman, 20 Sept.2024).

Ø  Quotations: (see image below)

Can you imagine how detailed or relevant this essay will be?

By Jaylene Peters

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The PENS Strategy

PENS is a sequence of steps a writer follows in constructing their sentences.

The PENS strategy allows students to take control of the writing process by gathering vital components to construct their sentences. This is a common skill a writer uses to record experiences, but of course not all students have the experiences necessary to write on, which is where the teacher’s assistance is necessary. A teacher can aid the writing process by presenting a visual aid which can be a video or picture relevant to the intended topic they will be covering in class as a writing prompt. A student can analyze each part of a sentence including linking words that join two independent sentences. This is a vital routine practice for struggling students.

The “P” in PENS stands for pick a structure which would be the combination of a subject, verb and object that makes up the sentence. The selected ratio would deeply impact a student’s writing as it helps to form the relationship among the parts within the sentence.

The “E” stands for explore the words that fit the formula. At this stage the writer brainstorms about the words related to the subject they have chosen to write on. This will allow the writer to gather enough relevant aspects of the subject that they can use to build their sentences. These words include the subjects and verbs.

The “N” is for note the words which is the choosing and writing down of the words after brainstorming. At this stage the writer is selecting the best words that will contribute to their writing. These words will then be used in the combination of the sentence structure they see fit.

The “S” stands for search and check. At this stage the writer is determining the correctness of the sentence by making sure the appropriate components are present such as the subject, verb and object.

PENS is but one catalyst for meaningful learning where students can build on pre-existing knowledge.

By Prakash Seeberran

Thursday, September 12, 2024

When it comes to the teaching of writing there are a few challenges that educators should take into consideration. These challenges include:

Diverse skill levels- We should realize that each learner in the class learns and works at different paces. Therefore, some may be aware of how to structure their sentence as it pertains to subject and verb agreement, how to spell terms accurately or even when to use punctuation symbols when and when they should be utilized. 

Motivation and engagement- It is often that learners view writing as a daunting and tedious task. This may be because of their prior experiences in classes where teachers kept it strict and rigid. Children may also form that conception because they lack experience in this area.

Writer’s Block- Experiencing writer's block may come at any stage in life whether children, teens, young adults and adults. It comprises of having a fair failure not allowing a child to begin writing or having a lack of ideas. A result of this may look like procrastination where it is seen as such a challenging task that one may put it back until the last minute when it is due.

Environment- To create brilliant writers, it is important that we foster an environment to support and aid writing. Writing goes hand in hand with Reading. A phenomenal author Steven King once stated “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” With that being said all classrooms should comprise of reading stations to allow learners to explore and discover topics which interest them most.

Feedback and revision- Excessive marking on children's books with red ink pens has the potential to harm a child internally causing low self-esteem, lack of confidence and fear of failure. Rather teachers should have specific classes on how to edit and revise their own work. This enhances learner's critical thinking skills.

Time constraints- As we’ve identified writing as a tedious process before, instructors should be more aware of the limited time of class sessions and break tasks into smaller sections to become more manageable tasks.

Can you think of any other solutions to combat the issues listed above?

By Jaylene Peters

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How should educators view "Teaching Writing" ?

teacher of writing must also be a writer. Writing is far more than a means of recording information, which has been proven vital to sustaining society as we can move forward with the wisdom passed down from the minds before us. It has captured many truths about our world’s history. One can illustrate their thought process with the use of written words which can be used to investigate their way of thinking. The mind is a raging river which writing can remedy through the channels of documenting experiences to systematically separate misconceptions from absolute fact. From youth to days of sharing wisdom, writing has its place in our lives to make sense of the world around us. For this reason, teachers must instill the joy of writing in their students. Any piece of writing from a student, especially in the earlier stages of development, should be treated as a direct product of their minds, it reflects their experience with their reality. A teacher must reflect on their own experiences as they develop into writers to comprehend this concept of putting the mind to the page. The learner’s writing process should be nurtured and encouraged not to be perfect, as most works of art rarely are, but to be an ongoing practice developed as a tool to decipher information. Writing will serve as an aid for critical thinking. It is of great importance that teachers provide adequate practice to use this tool through meaningful learning. Students can be exposed to a variety of texts which they would come across in the real world. Again, this interaction is to nurture as they develop into more efficient writers, after all the texts reflect some aspect of the world they are soon to contribute as members of society. The world is advancing with many breakthroughs being made more frequently as compared to the past and it will be the students’ turn to make changes for the betterment of society with the age-old tool of writing.   

By Prakash Seeberran

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

  Podcast Full Video Link: