Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Double Entry Journal

Double entry journal is a reading comprehension technique that help students to improve their critical thinking and active reading skills. These skills are improved by reading texts that will broaden their understanding.

It is important to enroll students in reading because students can easily ask questions, give opinions, interpret and reflect on the text which they have read. Reading comprehension and vocabulary are two ways in which grade four students can improve when reading texts. 

Journals are very useful so incorporating such strategy allow students to be motivated in becoming good readers and writers. They grow academically because their sentence structure, grammar and vocabulary improve significantly. 

By: Eugenia Davis


  1. I am familiar with the double entry journal being used by both the teacher and the student where as if students journaled about what they learned in Science about monocots and dicots but they ended with a question asking What category does mango seeds fit into the teacher could simply reply with the answer Mango seeds are apart of the dicotyledon family. Students could easily access the journals to see the teacher response.

  2. Double Entry Journals would be a very useful tool for teachers to develop critical thinking skills in their students. It can be integrated in all core subject areas especially Mathematics. This strategy allows a teacher to assess a student's retention of a concept in a more effective way because the entries are written in their own words and
    are their interpretation of the content being taught.


Jaylene Peters

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

  Podcast Full Video Link:  https://anuedu-my.sharepoint.com/personal/prakashseebarran_asc_edu_ag/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fp...