Saturday, November 9, 2024

Peer Collaboration


Peer collaboration among students in writing is a group effort of improving their writing skills as a community of writers. According to the theory of Lev Vygotsky, children learn through social interactions with peers. Like a writing workshop where students improve their writing skills as a community, students will read their pieces of writing to one another and will share their interpretation of the work. The writer will then edit the piece based on responses after it has been critiqued. Dartmouth (2024) Peer collaboration allows students to build a correlation between the writer and their readers which helps them to improve their writing skills. Students can work as a whole class or in small groups. These interactions can prompt students to edit their piece as their peers may recognize grammatical errors. This may go beyond editing as the writers may want to evoke emotional responses from their readers thus allowing them to make improvements to the structure of the sentences and choice of words. Students can also engage in discussions about their pieces and explain their writing styles which will allow them to get to know  each other as writers on a more emotional level.

Peer collaboration can be applied in the grade six level. Students can be given a task to write a thrilling story that will be shared with the class. They will explain their intentions on writing the piece to gain feedback from their peers to determine if the objective has been accomplished.

By Prakash Seebarran 


Dartmouth (2024)Collaborative Learning/Learning with Peers Collaborative Learning/Learning with Peers | Writing


  1. I strongly agree with the information you presented. When the thought of peer collaboration comes to mind I wouldn't have looked at it from a group perspective where they get feedback from their peers in a whole classroom setting.

  2. This is fundamentally a community of writers who support each other. It is beneficial that they are amongst peers and in a safe space.
    It is also a very important skill to be able to incite emotional responses in one's writing like fear in a scary story, and this strategy will help them to develop that skill. the interest will drive the process because all students are writers in their own right because they all have something to say.


Jaylene Peters

The Writing Workshop Podcast Hosted by Prakash, Eugenia and Jaylene

  Podcast Full Video Link: